
Scientifics publication

Our new publication about the reproducibility of measurements

We are happy to announce the publication of our latest article in Photonics, titled “Standardizing Laser Speckle Orthogonal Contrast Imaging: Achieving Reproducible Measurements across Instruments” 🔍 For the first […]

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JIONC 2024

During the JournĂ©es d’Imagerie Optique Non Conventionnelle (JIONC, or Non-Conventional Optical Imaging Days, 2024 March 14th), Elise Colin and AurĂ©lien Plyer had the opportunity to present, with our colleagues from […]

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Images of a beating heart’s vasculature are always inspiring… They are featured on the cover of the latest issue of Photoniques, highlighting our open access article: but only in french: […]

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Our last paper featured in SPIE news

The team’s latest work on dynamic speckle images applied to a beating heart (ECHORONEX project) was just published in Journal of Biomedical Optics, and also featured on SPIE news! You […]

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JIONC 2023

From blood circulation to the circulation of sap within the leaves, there is only a time scale… This is what we presented at JIONC 2023 in Paris 18èmes journĂ©es Imagerie […]

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Cardiology: Cardiac activity on a perfused heart

ITAE supports ECHORONEX by providing a new opportunity to ensure graft quality in heart transplantation. ECHORONEX : Transplantation is a promising way to save lives, ECHORONEX offers a new perspective for […]

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Skin grafts for burn victims

The hospital laboratory Service de chirurgie plastique, reconstructrice et esthĂ©tique – brĂ»lĂ©s – chirurgie de la main du CHU de Bordeaux directed by Pr. P. Pelissier, uses the TMV to […]

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