• Our new publication about the reproducibility of measurements
    We are happy to announce the publication of our latest article in Photonics, titled “Standardizing Laser Speckle Orthogonal Contrast Imaging: Achieving Reproducible Measurements across Instruments” https://www.mdpi.com/2304-6732/11/7/585 🔍 For the first time to our knowledge, we demonstrate the reproducibility of measurements on microcirculation between two independent instruments following a simple calibration process, by using the measurement… Read more: Our new publication about the reproducibility of measurements
  • Leaf sap circulation
    We obtained a captivating new image of leaf sap circulation using our cutting-edge imaging device.Unlike the rapid blood flow observed in animals, sap circulation in plants operates on a much slower and more variable scale. This slow movement presents unique challenges and opportunities in imaging technology. Our latest advancements allow us to capture these slow… Read more: Leaf sap circulation
  • JIONC 2024
    During the JournĂ©es d’Imagerie Optique Non Conventionnelle (JIONC, or Non-Conventional Optical Imaging Days, 2024 March 14th), Elise Colin and AurĂ©lien Plyer had the opportunity to present, with our colleagues from the LPICM (Razvigor Ossikovski, Enrique Garcia Caurel) a significant stage of our research on the interactions between dynamic speckle and polarization. A critical component of… Read more: JIONC 2024
  • Photoniques
    Images of a beating heart’s vasculature are always inspiring… They are featured on the cover of the latest issue of Photoniques, highlighting our open access article: but only in french: Elise Colin, Aurelien Plyer, Xavier ORLIK. Optimisation de l’imagerie de Speckle dynamique dĂ©polarisĂ© : vers une approche pratique et innovante en mĂ©decine. Photoniques, 2023, 123,… Read more: Photoniques
  • ITAE medical research nominated for the Jerphagnon Prize
    At the JNOG Lyon 2023, Alain Aspect, Nobel Prize in Physics 2022 and president of the jury for the prestigious Prix Jean Jerphagnon (from the French Optical Society), warmly congratulated the 6 nominees for the Prix Jean Jerphagnon 2023 for the remarkable quality of their projects and the excellence of their work.To mark the occasion,… Read more: ITAE medical research nominated for the Jerphagnon Prize